Films At The Festival

Negar Mottahedeh is Associate Professor of Literature and Women’s Studies at Duke University currently teaching as Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at Pratt Institute. Her work has been published in Camera Obscura, Signs, Iranian Studies, Radical History Review, MERIP, The Drama Review, Early Popular Visual Culture, and Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. In 2008, Duke University Press published her book on Post-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema entitled Displaced Allegories. Her first book, Representing the Unpresentable, on visual history and reform in Iran from the 19th century to the present was published in 2008 by Syracuse University Press. A perceptive theorist of Iranian visual culture, Professor Mottahedeh writes and speaks about culture, innovation and digital technologies. Her current research and writing on the uses of social media in uprisings for civil liberties and equality around the world, supplement her engagement as blogger and activist. She tweets as negaratduke.

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